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Capt Bill Fite Memorial Reef

This reef is in honor of the late Capt Bill Fite. ________________________________________ Do not be sad when you anchor the boat at my reef. I’m not really there and I’m sure not asleep. I am the warm gulf breeze that ruffles your hair. I’m in the salt spray that cools your face so fair. I am the deep hearty laughter in a life fully played. I am the quiet satisfaction of the deal well made…. by a man who also knows how to give. In the hearts of my family and friends I will always live. So do not anchor at my reef and cry. You know I am a legend……and legends never die. _________________________________________ Written by: Krista Morgan In honor and memory of “The Cap”” _________________________________________ 22 ARI Pyramids (2 Sm, 8 Med, and 12 Lg) deployed on 6/3/1999. Position verified by Bob Cox on 28 Sep 2020. Structures scattered and appear to be mostly buried.”

Car Body

Latitude: 29° 53.636 N
Longitude: 85° 31.585 W
Range: 6.08 nm
Bearing: 235.6
Depth: 52 feet

Range and Bearing is taken from mouth of Mexico Beach Canal.

Reef Photos